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Contact Person Name
Business or Organization's Address
Briefly describe what your booth will offer to attendees.
Health and Wellness Focus :
Describe any interactive components or demonstrations you plan to include.
Please confirm you will bring your own tent, table, and chairs.
Do you require any special accommodations?
Note: Electricity is NOT provided. Participants are responsible for bringing all necessary equipment, including tents, tables, and chairs.
List any materials you plan to distribute, such as brochures, flyers, or samples if possible.
What do you hope to achieve by participating in the Health and Wellness Zone?

Health + Wellness Zone Information Booth Participant Agreement

By participating in this event, you agree to the following terms and conditions:

  1. Compliance:
    • You agree to comply with all applicable city, state, and federal regulations, as well as the specific rules and guidelines established by the event organizers.
  2. Product and Content Restrictions:
    • No products or materials deemed inappropriate, harmful, or inconsistent with the event’s goals will be permitted. The event organizers reserve the right to reject any application that violates these terms.
  3. Event Liability:
    • You agree to hold Dr. Robyn White, DNP (DRW Health Solutions, LLC) and Pamoja Place harmless from any claims, damages, losses, or expenses arising from your participation in the event. DRW Health Solutions, LLC and Pamoja Place are not responsible for any products or services offered by participants.
  4. Event Conditions:
    • The event will take place rain or shine. No refunds or compensation will be provided due to adverse weather conditions or other unforeseen circumstances.
  5. Setup and Breakdown:
    • You must adhere to the designated setup and breakdown times. Early breakdown of your booth is not permitted. Please ensure your booth is fully operational during the event hours.
  6. Insurance Requirement:
    • Participants must provide proof of insurance coverage with a minimum of $500,000. DRW Health Solutions, LLC must be listed as the primary insured, and Pamoja Place as the secondary insured. The insurance certificate must be valid for the duration of the event on Sunday, September 22, 2024. Participants are responsible for their own insurance coverage, and the event organizers are not liable for any loss, damage, or injury.
  7. Licensing and Sales Tax:
    • Participants must be properly licensed and legally authorized to provide services or distribute information. Any applicable sales tax is the sole responsibility of the participant to manage and remit.
  8. Safety and Cleanliness:
    • Participants are required to maintain a safe and clean booth area. All displays and materials must be securely positioned to prevent accidents. Participants are responsible for removing all trash and leaving their space clean.
  9. Conduct:
    • All participants are expected to conduct themselves in a professional and respectful manner at all times. Harassment, discrimination, or any form of inappropriate behavior will not be tolerated and may result in immediate removal from the event without a refund.

By clicking “I Understand and Agree,” you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agree to abide by all the rules and conditions listed above. Non-compliance with these rules may result in the termination of your participation without refund.

I Understand and Agree.