Heal Women, Heal the World Health Fest: A Dream in Motion

Dr. Robyn WhiteCancer Awareness, Community Health, Empowering Women, Empowerment, Family and Support, Heal Women Health Fest, Health and Wellness, Personal Stories, Women's Health Leave a Comment

Hi Friends! –

It’s hard to believe that in just a few short weeks, something that has been brewing in my heart for what feels like my entire life is about to come to life. On September 22, 2024, the inaugural Heal Women, Heal the World Health Fest will open its doors, and I couldn’t be more excited, grateful, and honestly, a bit emotional about what this means—not just for me, but for all of us.

For as long as I can remember, my life’s mission has been clear: to heal, to uplift, to empower women in every corner of this world. I’ve always believed in the transformative power that lies within us as women, and that when we heal, the ripple effect has the power to change families, communities, and even the world. But I have to be honest—this year, that mission took on a much deeper, more personal meaning.

Earlier this year, I was diagnosed with breast cancer. It was one of those moments where the world seems to stop, and you suddenly find yourself grappling with a reality you never expected. But something else happened in that stillness. I could hear God’s voice louder than ever before, pushing me, urging me to do more—to step further into my calling. This festival is not just an event; it’s the beginning of a movement, a divine push to empower and heal as many women as possible, because when we heal women, we heal the world.

I’m beyond blessed to be surrounded by an incredible team who has helped turn this vision into a reality. A special thank you to my amazing partner, Kenesha Lewin from Pamoja Place—her dedication, love for the community, and passion for empowering women have been the perfect match for this mission. And to the beautiful community of Whidbey Island—thank you for opening your arms and hearts to this festival. Together, we are building something truly special.

I would be remiss if I didn’t take a moment to thank my rock, my partner, and my constant source of strength, my husband Jason White. Jason, your unwavering support, endless encouragement, and love have carried me through this journey. To my children, thank you for being the light in my life, for your hugs, your laughter, and for reminding me every day of the reason why this mission is so important.

This festival is for you—for the women who are fighting, healing, and thriving; for the families standing by their side; for the young girls who need to see what strength, resilience, and grace look like. It’s a day for us to gather, to heal, to lift each other up, and to remind ourselves that we are never alone in this journey.

I invite you to come, bring your family, your friends, and your hearts to this powerful day of healing, wellness, and community. Together, we can create a world where women are empowered, where our health and well-being are prioritized, and where we can show the next generation that they too have the power to change the world.

I couldn’t have done this without the love and support of so many, and I truly believe this is just the beginning. Let’s heal women, and in doing so, let’s heal the world.

With all my love and gratitude,
Dr. Robyn White, DNP

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