1MM Social Media Guide 

By supporting the 1MM (One Million Mammograms) Campaign, you’re helping us promote women's health and early detection of breast cancer.

Thank you for taking the time to help us promote this very important iniative. 

Scroll down for more information, images, and sample posts.

Share Your Pledge 

Here are some ways you can share about the campaign on social: 1 - Make a post, 2 - Film a LIVE video, 3 - Post a story, or 4 - Leverage Celebrities.

We've created beautiful, downloadable images for you to help share your pledge with the world!

Please share these images on social media to celebrate your commitment to getting a mammogram and help spread the word about the importance of early detection and women's health. By sharing, you can inspire others to join the 1MM Movement and make their own pledge. Remember, "You're Not Alone!" Each pledge is one of 1 Million Miracles in the fight against breast cancer.

Thank you for supporting the 1MM Campaign and helping us reach our goal of One Million Mammograms!

Scroll Down for Graphics + Sample Posts

Social Shareables

[ Images for Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn ]

[ Images for X (Twitter) or LinkedIn ]


1MM Pledge Reels

1MM Profile Badges

[ Images for Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn ]

Sample Social Posts 

  1. For so long, I wanted to make a difference but never knew how. Now, I've pledged to get a mammogram with the 1MM Movement, knowing each step is a step towards a healthier future. Join me in making a meaningful impact! #MakeThePledge #1MM #HealWomenHealTheWorld #BreastCancerAwareness

  2. For 2024, why not commit to getting a mammogram and encouraging others to do the same? I took the pledge with the 1MM Movement, and it's been one of the most meaningful things I’ve done in a long time. #1MM #HealWomenHealTheWorld #BreastCancerAwareness

  3. If every woman took the pledge to get a mammogram, we could transform the world for the better. Today, I’m taking a step towards that world by pledging with the 1MM Movement. #MakeThePledge #1MM #BreastCancerAwareness

  4. I'm proud to be one of 1 Million Miracles in the fight against breast cancer. By pledging to get a mammogram, I'm contributing to a global movement for women's health. Join me and make your pledge today! #1MM #MakeThePledge #BreastCancerAwareness #1MillionMiracles

Short Posts for Reels

1. If every woman took the pledge to get a mammogram, we could transform the world (see campaign link in bio). Today, I’m doing my part by pledging with the #MakeThePledge #1MM

2. I have taken the 1MM pledge to get a mammogram and encourage others to do the same. Find out more and join me here! #HealWomenHealTheWorld #1MM

3. I've pledged to get a mammogram with the 1MM Movement and invite you to join me. Together, we can make a difference. #MakeThePledge #1MM

4. Join me in pledging to get a mammogram – together, we can help heal women and heal the world. #MakeThePledge #1MM #HealWomenHealTheWorld

By spreading the word and encouraging others to take the pledge, you are playing a crucial role in our mission to promote women's health and early detection of breast cancer. Thank you for your support of the 1MM Campaign led by Dr. Robyn White, DNP!